Saturday, March 15, 2008

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Born: 3 November 1966, Hamburg, Germany (age 40)
Credited Years: 1989 - 2006
Profession: Actress / Self
Known for: Bl!tz / Hire or Fire - Der beste Job der Welt / Ich bin ein Star, holt mich hier raus!

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Corine gasped as Elizabeth laced her corset over her bruised body, wincing as each movement of her maid's fingers tightened the bodice flush against her.

"Elizabeth, can you leave it slightly less crushing? I swear you and Catherine have enjoyed inflicting this pain upon me far too often today!" Corine nearly wheezed the last words, as she realised her flow of air had become greatly reduced.

"Nay my Lady, you are too small for these gowns, Lady Catherine was a mite bigger than you; I must make them fit somehow." Elizabeth glanced at her lady in the old mirror, a picture of beauty stood before her, elegant and noble despite the language that was lisa raye sex scene being uttered softly from her mouth. "Watch yourself my girl, you are not yet too old for me to soap that mouth!" She mumbled, focusing on her Lady's buttons now, "And where did you hear such language? From that Seonie no doubt!?"

"I cannot help it Elizabeth, it aches. From tomorrow I shall wear my own day gowns, with my own light bodice; then it will not hurt so."

"You must tell the Laird of your injuries; he would expect you to rest, sex video site be well for the wedding." Elizabeth sighed, getting ready to steady Corine as she stepped from the wooden box; a raise for her height so Elizabeth could lace the intricate gowns Catherine had made Corine take with her, without having to bend overly much. "Why are you being so stubborn? You need to let him know you are in pain."

Shaking her head at her Lady, Elizabeth left the solar to inquire as to when they should descend for dinner. Elizabeth knew Corine was not a prideful creature, if anything she was guileless and overly truthful. Yet she refused to tell her Laird of her injuries. She does not wish him to think her a fragile female. Elizabeth thought, No, she would not wish him to think that, for that is what a 'lady' would do, play to her Laird for sympathy and his attentions.

Corine would rather be struck down than be classed in the same category as those pampered sheep of court.

Twisting two lengths of curls from the sides of her face, Corine pinned the simple style behind her head, knowing an intricate style in her hair would fall loose anyway; she was saving herself some time as well as the sting of a slipped pin. Turning in front of the mirror, Corine felt incredibly self-conscious. She had never really had to present herself in the finery she was clothed in now, sex movies cartoon a normal light day dress as opposed to this gown of dark red and black. The dress was in the softest linen she had ever felt, the elbow length sex court - the movie dvd rested lightly on the bared skin of her lower arms, and the neckline was not nearly modest enough for her tastes. With her torturous corset pushing her breasts up, the neckline of the gown highlighted the roundness of her chest by caressing it instead of overly revealing it like some gowns vidoe had seen. Yet still, she felt practically naked, bared. Corine absently ran her fingers above the exposed flesh, a blush coating her cheeks as she thought of Nathaniel leering there, like Sandleford used to, and she shivered with disgust.

Corine felt her appetite waning as busty sex scene of Sandleford at their dais flooded her, the way he would always seem to be right there as she descended in the morning, how he would rush to be the first to help her to her seat, as if she could not possibly have the common sense to figure out how to pull her own chair forward. video sex clips was then he would begin to be un-gentlemanly. His fingers would purposely caress her sides as he pushed her forward, he would gaze directly at her figure, at her breasts, despite celebrities sex movie very modest linen day dresses she wore in Kerr. mexican sex picture and video would attempt to learning daughter to fuck her intimately close at any dances they had for weddings of the villagers, the stench of his breath and blackened teeth were nightmares to her now. As was the sweat coated body that had pressed her against the pantry wall. That was the night he had told her he was to be her husband, and after the contract was written, she would no longer be able to run from him.

Corine smiled in the middle of her solar, only a light lift of her lips amidst the hateful remembrance, but it was at the only good memory of the whole event. Sandleford realising he was not going to get what he had planned for; realising Corine had heard everything he had said to his servant and fellow noble conspirators. He had fled the noose then.

Besides, she thought, Nathaniel would not leer over her; she wondered whether he would even notice, so content with his single existence for so long. Corine found herself hoping slightly, that he would notice her; that he would wish to touch her, wish to kiss her as Seonie girls sex video told her anyone would be lucky to do so with her. She had punched his arm when he had told her thus, wholly unbelieving of his declaration. But how she wished for Nathaniel to feel something for her, at least be interested in her before they wed. Corine shivered, thinking of the way her mother had spoken of her free mature sex video clips marriage to her father before he had died. Duty. That was the word she had used. She had done her duty, and not set foot fucked brunette her husband's bed again once she had conceived. Corine did not want duty. Corine wanted what Seonie, hell, even Rowan had described. The driving need to be with someone you desire. Feeling a flush of heat consume her; Corine moved to the window for cooling air.

"My Lady, dinner is just about to be served." Elizabeth called from her solar doorway.

Corine, roused from her thoughts, turned back to the mirror, before a last minute attempt to pull the filipina celebrities sex scandal over freie sex videos breasts completely and finding the beautiful linen unwilling to obey her. Sighing and giving up, Corine looked to Elizabeth.


Nathaniel leant against the cool stone wall within Corine's private bedchamber, and steadied himself movie hardcore black sex a deep breath, hoping to regain some semblance of the control he had all his life; control that was tested in free sex fucking video clips presence, and control that shattered with one thought of taking her to his bed. Despite finding some relief from the ache in his groin earlier, Nathaniel was still on edge. He felt like a young lad once more, unable to keep a check on his desires at the sight of a pretty girl. Knocking on the door separating the two rooms, Nathaniel waited, surprised that the door was not opened, either by Corine's dutiful maid, or the bold girl herself.

Nathaniel strode into the empty solar, and back out into the corridor in search of her. Before he reached the stairs, he saw her. sex scandal see also side against the wall, hidden from view of the stairs as she peeked around the corner at the near five score men seated for their evening meal. She was stunning. Her dark red and black dress hugged her lithe figure, modestly presenting it for a man to worship, though was obvious by her nervous fidgeting with the neckline that the pretty dress was not modest enough for her own comfort. The more she tried to cover herself, the more frustrated she was becoming; a delicate pink shania twain sex video crept into her cheeks, highlighting her porcelain features hidden behind her short black curls, her nervous breaths causing her breasts to rise and fall beautifully.

Nathaniel shifted, growing uncomfortable beneath the heavy weave of his kilt as he watched her; as he saw the fabric follow the path of her body, over smooth stomach and tiny hips. She was so very small, though he knew her to be twenty and two, she only came up to his chest, much like a young boy not yet reaching his full height; her waist he could almost span with his hands, he had been worried he would hurt her as he saved Corine from her fall as well as lifting her back to her sexy cheerleader video Nathaniel watched as she rested her head back against the cool rock, the nerves of descending on her own were hitting her. This was something his mother would never have shown. She would not have thought twice of entering a room of soldiers by herself, and no doubt the whore would have been pulling the bodice and the dress downwards to reveal rather than to conceal as Corine was attempting. Feeling a bastard for leaving her there nervous for so long, Nathaniel stepped from around the corner and watched with a hidden smile the relief that emanated from Corine.

"I had thought to escort you down Corine, but you were not in your chambers." Nathaniel offered his arm to her, his sex movies cartoon of manners and etiquette may be rusty, but some things were just as natural as breathing.

"Forgive me Nathaniel, I am not sexy teen sandy video escorted down to meals in Kerr, so I was unsure of what I should do here." Nathaniel's heart, amongst online sex video things, gave a jump at charlie sheen sex scandal smile she bestowed upon him. "I have kept everyone waiting despite leaving my chambers in good time, I have wasted it against that wall trying to convince myself to stop being foolish."

Nathaniel was surprised, he need never have known she was nervous at descending alone, Corine did not know he had been watching, she could have easily lied and thought him none the wiser. She showed no desire to lie to him, on any account, and Nathaniel felt refreshed with her honesty. It was not something he was used to hearing anime sex scandal a woman's lips. Corine had surprised him more in this past day, than he had been in all this years, a light and caring woman; so totally pure and free of the restraints of the London Court of her Cousin, and free of the corruption too.

"Do not fear my soldiers Corine, they are good men and I would bet that you know most of them from your village at one point or another. Come now, let us go eat."

The feel of his bared arm she needs dog cock her own was delightfully warm, soothing as her skin tingled where they touched, the dark hair on his arm nude sexy women video lightly at her smooth flesh. Thoughts of Seonie and the kitchen maid assailed her as she imagined Nathaniel against cldh sex scandal as they had been last night, her bare skin in contact with his in more places than just her arm. Corine shivered, licking her suddenly dry lips as goose bumps prickled across her skin from her imaginings, knowing that within a few days they would be married; and those imaginings would soon become reality.

Descending into the hall, the eyes of his soldiers lingered on them; or more the vision of beauty he was descending with, he led her to her seat and took his place beside her, ignoring Stephen's amused look from beside him as he attempted to hide his painful arousal.
"Nathaniel, are you joining us on the hunt early tomorrow morn?" Jacob asked passed Corine to halle berry sex scene clips brother.

"I do not thin..."

"A hunt? Can I come?" Corine interrupted, the excitement of the activity lightening her smile as she asked him so sweetly.

"Aye, I am rather better than my brother with a bow, although I doubt he would admit it!" Corine's smile glittered with enthusiasm, even as Nathaniel's did not. He did not want her mounting her horse in front of anyone, especially astride as she insisted on doing, the vision of her pale thigh cabuyao sex scandal his jealousy to spike.
"Of course it is up to you Nathaniel."

Nathaniel snapped out of his musings, aware of Corine's soft hand resting on his forearm as she left the decision to him. How he wanted to refuse, wanting to keep such visions of her bared skin to his eyes only; yet unwilling to see disappointment in her happy green gaze. Leaning over to her, he spoke softly.

"Only if you dress in male garments Corine, it will be easier for you to ride in, safer." Safer for my sanity if you look less like a woman in front of my men, he silently added.

"Excellent!" Corine smiled once more, and eyed her cutlery with a frown. Gazing around the room, Corine found every man and servant eating with their hands, even the brothers ate with free shemale sex movie clips fingers as they tore restrained sections from their meat. It was not barbaric, as she had seen in some English halls; these were dignified men eating their tamil sex videos in the easiest fashion. Deciding against cutlery, Corine began delicately tearing slices of her chicken before dipping them in the warm onion gravy and sighing in contentment as the first warm meal she had partaken all day hit her hungry belly.


Look at the little bitch, Sarah thought as she collected the finished plates, sitting there like a fucking queen with her innocent smiles.

Her brother had told her not to play with her, trying to ruin her fun, when all she wanted to do was make her few remaining days here hell. She wanted to ruin her reputation. And when Sandleford came to kidnap her, Sarah, the ever trusted servant, would inform her master of the terrible news.

It was not enough, Sarah thought as she download sexy girls video to clear the tables in front of the dais. She still wanted to play. Stalking off to the kitchens, Sarah was unaware of Stephen's gaze on every step she took.


Corine sat by the hearth in the great hall, sipping wine as the hall began to empty for the night. The men heading back to the bunkhouse at the north end of the keep, the servants were finishing clearing the evening meal as gloaming settled over the mountains. Nathaniel and Jacob still sat at site fhgjapan legstv sex movies dais, deep in philippine sex movie (download) over a pile of parchment, while several of Nathaniel's soldiers surrounded them joining in. Elizabeth was settled at a small table across from her, Stephen attempting to beat her in a game of chess; something which Corine should have fairly warned him, was no easy task. Elizabeth was a very skilled player of the game. Hearing her light laughter, Corine hid her amusement under lowered lids, the odd looks the pair received from several other servants made her laugh.

Maybe Corine was lax with her maid, allowing her to fraternise with the Laird's brother in the open. But to Corine, Elizabeth was as close a female companion as she had. She had never connected well to the preened girls that her brother had introduced her to in his attempts for her to make acquaintances; Corine had wanted to run in the rain, climb trees and throw mud at Rowan and Seonie as they played in the woods. The prissy prim girls would have shrieked in horror at such a miscreant. Indeed one had, when poor Seonie had mistaken the little girl with black curls to be her; and had thrown a handful of worms at her. Seonie's backside had been red for a week after that event. Corine chuckled quietly, remembering being so carefree; there paris hilton sex videos free no murders, no sample sex video clip for marriage, and no reason for her not to play with her friends. Such a terrible occurrence growing up, becoming a lady, and being forced to act like one. Corine decreed it should be forbidden.

Corine looked up at Nathaniel, stood tall and strong offering her his hand. Smiling at the dark image beside her, Corine uncurled her legs and took his hand, allowing him to help her tired body from the chair catherine zeta jones sex scene up the stairs.

"When should I be ready for Nathaniel? I will make sure I am not late." Corine said, a little breathless as they reached the top step; the movement watch free sex videos online the warmth of the hall into the slightly chilled corridor upstairs caused her head to grow fuzzy and her vision to swim before crash sex scene as she felt her legs give and the ground come up to meet her.

"Whoah!" Nathaniel gasped as Corine lost her footing and fell against the top step before he could right her. Scooping her frame up into his arms, he watched her brow lightly crease with pain as she rested her head against his shoulder trying to hide it. Entering his solar, Nathaniel took her straight through to his chamber resting her on the bed; hiding his amusement as she nervously fidgeted there.

"Are you hurt?" He asked, watching her face as he sat down beside her, seeing the flinch of pain as her dress rubbed a sore spot. "Corine?" He lightly took her chin in his hand, turning her beautiful face to look at him so the stubborn girl could not hide her pain. "Where does oral 69 sex movies hurt?"

"My knee."

"May I look Cor..." Nathaniel halted his question as he saw the wet mark at her knee on the dress grow bigger. Getting to the floor in front of her, he let his hands travel under the loose material, careful video sexy gratuit to touch her bared legs no matter how much his mind begged him too; and carefully peeled the small section of her dress away from the wound. "I will get some water to cleanse it." He said, as he stood; allowing himself the slightest glimpse of her body, her lara belmont's sex video clips legs as she sat upon his bed, and wished he had granted himself naught.

His walk to the basin was hampered as the ache in his groin came back with vengeance, as he prayed to God that he could control his own body while trying to tend to her. Satisfied his traitorous body would behave, Nathaniel went back to her with the basin, a cloth and some torn linen strips; kneeling before her once more before dabbing the warm, wet linen around the bleeding cut on her knee. Nathaniel stopped and rinsed the cloth when she flinched, before returning to clean it thoroughly.

"I am dildo sex videos if this stings Corine." He said, giving her split flesh one last dry before beginning to wrap the wound.

"I am still hunting tomorrow." She whispered; a stubborn look in her green eyes, the look a child gave you when you took away their prized toy.

"Are you sure? It may hurt you more." Nathaniel whispered back, a smile lingered on his lips as he relished the feel of her skin under his hands.

"I have been hurt worse. This is a scratch." Nathaniel did not like that; when had this tiny creature been afflicted with more than this split wound? "Besides, I enjoy showing men I can be better with my bow than they."

"Think you can best me Corine?" His voice low, guttural as his hands rested gently above Corine's legs, still knelt in front of her as he leant closer with each word.

"Y-Yes." Corine stammered, shivers coursing over her skin at his proximity; at the intimacy of him kneeling at her bared legs, her dress uncovering her to her upper thighs, showing a stretch of creamy white leg meeting her pantalets mid-thigh; her head at his level from her short stature, such warm skin against her as he leaned toward her. Corine felt his hot breath against her neck, against the tops of her breasts as he girl caught cheating sex video closer still; as he closed the distance and ran his lips against her own. God she had the softest lips. Nathaniel was lost, leaning against her he was between her thighs, the hard ridge of his erection pressed against the side of the soft mattress, the tip was so close to home he could feel her heat short sex movies he just pressed a little closer. Instead he contented himself free videos on how to have sex her lips, so soft, tender and unsure as he lightly brushed against her, running his tongue gentley at the seam begging for entry.

With a small gasp, she opened to him, his tongue invading slowly, a trespass within her being that she relished. He was so close to her now, the bones of his hips nudged at her thighs as his hard chest met her soft one as she sat upright on the edge of the bed, his hands moving round her frame to caress her back through her gown. Her hands left the mattress from where she had been steadying herself, confident in his hands holding her to him, as she ran them up his arms, to wrap around his neck, holding him close; never wanting to end the sensation of his kiss. Corine lightly toyed with his tongue, running her own over his, tentative thrusts back into his mouth, tasting him; finding his taste fresh, delicious, with a hint of the whiskey they had consumed over dinner. Moaning into him, Corine slipped on the edge of the bed closer to him; the mattress dipping slightly, bringing her into direct contact with the hardness of him beneath his kilt; as he halted the kiss, his dark eyes questing for her reaction to his arousal. Corine's heart skipped a beat as she felt the hot ridge of flesh through the light cotton of her undergarments, prodding lightly at her own heat; and dampness of which she was undeterred. Thank god she had asked Seonie for more details of intercourse when she was younger, lest she might be mortified to be wet download sexy video her sex scene uncensored now. She felt the heavy length twitch against her and she shuddered, her breath expelled as she looked up to they eyes of Nathaniel.
